Imagine a world where the challenges faced by insurance companies can be effortlessly solved.
Operations automation can streamline processes, increase efficiency, and mitigate manual errors for insurance companies. IMAGA specializes in addressing and resolving challenges existing in advanced automation levels.
Here are some areas our solutions can help you with:
Cost of operations
Overstaffed call centers
InsurTechs take the lead
High dependency on agents
Bloated offline workforce
Outdated value propositions
Resistance to digital transformation
Tech imperfection
Difficulty to analyze various data sources
Use of complex legacy systems
Lack of business monitoring
Lack of technical monitoring
Lack of product personalization
Lack of product customization
Low AI adoption
Our experts have years of experience in successfully implementing and optimizing various environments for healthcare and insurance companies
Customers discontent
Short customer lifetime
Long claims journey
High employee turnover
High customers turnover
Lack of upsell opportunities
Low engagement with customers
Low transparency for customers
Here are some areas our solutions can help you with:
Difficulty to analyze various data sources
Use of complex legacy systems
Lack of business monitoring
Lack of technical monitoring
Lack of product personalization
Lack of product customization
Low AI adoption
Tech imperfection
Short customer lifetime
Long claims journey
High employee turnover
High customers turnover
Low engagement with customers
Lack of upsell opportunities
Low transparency for customers
Customers discontent
Overstaffed call centers
InsurTechs take the lead
High dependency on agents
Bloated offline workforce
Outdated value propositions
Resistance to digital transformation
Cost of operations
Our experts have years of experience in successfully implementing and optimizing various environments for healthcare and insurance companies
Ensuring The Success Of Your Business
With a track record of 500+ successful projects, generating $1B+ in value for our customers, IMAGA offers top-notch services globally. Our experience spans Healthcare & Insurance sectors. We specialize in overcoming operational challenges, enhancing automation, and enabling customer self-service while working with a wide range of clients.
We understand digital transformation complexities unique to insurance firms.
With You, Every Step Of The Way
We collaborate closely with your company's workflow and synchronize with your IT landscape, allowing us to seamlessly expand your existing ecosystem by delivering customized solutions.
Chatbot AI
Conversion web games
Data analytics
Claim/policy management
Featues for health portal
Our Success Metrics
Our Customer Self-service solutions reduced call center load by 50%.
Allianz CIS.
AI Document Processing reduced manual handling time by 60–95%.
AlfaStrakh, ERGO.
AI Chatbot addresses 600 customer queries without any human intervention.
Allianz CIS, Tinkoff, CIS Government Service.
Automated Claim Management handles claims adjustment expenses and boosts customer satisfaction by 20 to 30%.
Allianz CIS, AlfaStrakh, Tinkoff.
`Data Analytics solutions, such as Power BI, enabled our customers to identify fraudulent claims 2x as quickly and accurately.
One of the largest stock exchanges in the EU, AlfaStrakh.
Our Robust Engineering Have Resulted In $370 Million In Value Created For Insurance & Healthcare Clients.
Unleashing the Power of 300 Experts
IMAGA’S team helps Insurers develop complex data-driven services, websites, and mobile applications. When catering to our clients, we employ a Product-Centric Approach.
How We Work
explore business specifics
product & market research
competitors' analysus
Use-case scoping
solution design
business requirments
design environmert ecosystem
design program governance
Use-case design
user interface design
architecturt and wireframing
release train (agile)
quality assurance
UTA (user acceptance testing)
Go live
post-production support
knowledege transfer
Why Our Clients Love IMAGA
IMAGA is our long-term partner, helping us grow our business on the internet and avoid the online pitfalls of the insurance business. It combines quantitative and qualitative research methods, so all our decisions are now data-driven and fully conscious. We have a strong sense of success and progressive growth, and this allows us to continue our collaborative work.
John Markov
VP of Marketing, Allianz
For Allianz, we developed the first CIS Insurance eCommerce, allowing clients to calculate, acquire, extend, and manage their insurance policies online. To establish and grow an ecosystem, we supplemented traditional services with new digital solutions, moving toward Customer Self-Service and an operational automation layer.
Allianz increased its market share by 39%, reaching 25% of the CIS insurance industry.
We’ll Get In Touch With You Right Away
Here’s what happens next:
Send us a snapshot of your bottlenecks and your current tech stack.
We conduct an initial evaluation of your request and draft a project proposal: the timeline and estimates.

Our team will get in touch and discuss our vision to iron out the details!

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